Join MOD Public Health Consultant Team as we strive to equip communities to effectively respond to Health Priorities through, dedication, and technical excellence. We are looking for talented, passionate people to join us—as employees, volunteers, consultants and interns to achieve our vision.
Interested persons who meet the requirements should apply through the MOD Public Health Consultant any Time
Are you passionate about working in the A public consultant organisation? Looking for experience in the health sector? MOD Public Health Consultant provides exciting and challenging volunteer and internships opportunities for you!
To Apply for Volunteering
Local (national) applicants are required to submit the following documents:-
- MOD Public Health Consultant Application (can be requested by mail or picked from HR-office at MOD Public Health Consultant)
- Cover Letter
- Current CV
- Academic Documents
- Recommendation Letter (at least one)
International applicants are required to submit the following documents:-
- Resume (or) curriculum vitae with contact details for two references (one of the references should be academic if applicant is still a student)
- Two letters of recommendation (one should be from your academic referee if still a student)
- Copy of academic transcripts
- Proof of registration with practitioners body/authority (For qualified professionals)
- Evidence of Health Insurance Cover
Please write to us at Public Health for more information.
MOD Public Health Consultant offers a range of exciting and highly regarded placement and internship opportunities for local and international students and professionals. Those on placement come for an agreed period of time to gain experience in a wide range of fields, working alongside MOD Public Health Consultant’s experts and professionals at its flagship facility at MOD Public Health Consultants Plot 79, Toles Jowhetta Building Bukoba Road P.O BOX 211 Masaka City, Uganda East Africa
Benefits of a Placement at MOD Public Health Consultant
Interns and placements benefit from an established and structured placement programme which provides plenty of opportunity